AP Course

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It is not too difficult to achieve a passing score on the AP exam (3 points), but to ensure a high AP score (from 4-5 points), the option of studying AP course with an after school international education center is the best option selected by many students.

See also: AP program

1. AP program overview

AP stands for Advanced Placement administered by College Board. AP courses are taught for 1 year and the exam is held only once in May each year.

There are 36 AP courses divided into 7 subject groups:

    • Capstone Diploma Program
    • Arts
    • English
    • History and Social Sciences
    • Math and Computer Science
    • Sciences
    • World Languages ​​and Cultures

There is no set minimum and maximum limit on the number of subjects selected, however, depending on each university in the US, there will be different requirements for the number of AP subjects for applicants, the more prestigious the school, the more AP courses are required for applicants to demonstrate that they are capable and ready for a highly academic environment.

    • Top 10 schools: Typically require 10 to 14 AP courses.
    • Top 20 schools: Appreciate applicants who complete 7 to 12 AP courses.
    • Top 50 schools: Prioritize records that have attended from 3 to 5 AP courses.
    • The rest of the schools: Only need students to complete 2 to 4 AP courses.

AP is not graded, each subject has a scale of 1 to 5 and a score of 3 is considered an AP passing score.

    • Score 4-5: Prioritized by schools in the admissions process and that AP subject is converted and exempted from credit when entering university.
    • Score 3: Schools will consider admission and may have some schools accept to convert into credits.
    • Score 2: Not accepted by universities unless the corresponding academic year quota is not enough and cannot be converted to university credit.
    • Score 1: Considered failing the AP exam.

2. Is doing outside extra AP class necessary?

AP certificate is valued by all universities in the US, the more AP courses a student takes, the higher the admissions committee will rate them than students with only a high school diploma.

In addition, if you intend to apply for a scholarship, it is almost mandatory for students to take the AP exam with a score of 4 to 5 to have an outstanding profile and have a chance to get accepted high scholarship.

The content of the AP program is taught in an industry-based way, meaning that each AP subject will focus on a number of areas of the major that students will choose at university level to prepare an in-depth knowledge base. future disciplines. To pass the AP exam is not too difficult, but to receive an AP certificate with a perfect score (5 points) to ensure an advantage when studying in the US or winning a scholarship is not a small challenge.

Depending on the learning ability of students, they will make their own decisions about whether to participate in extra-curricular AP exam preparation classes or not. But most parents consider the extra-curricular AP review as the optimal solution to support their children in practicing solving many Past Exam Questions and thereby achieving a perfect AP score more easily.

But where to learn AP? Which AP exam preparation center has a good record of AP exam? Does the AP tutor have a lot of experience in teaching? Those are the things that many parents care about to choose a quality AP training place.

See also: Typical subjects in Advanced Placement program

3. Preparing for AP exams at Intertu

Depending on the needs and level of the students that Intertu will design an appropriate program customized for that student:

3.1. Students struggling with the majority of knowledge:

    • Focusing on the students’ knowledge gaps.
    • Fixing the misunderstanding of knowledge.
    • Practicing exercises for each knowledge.
    • Walking through the exercises.

3.2. Students on a good level and wish to achieve higher scores:

    • Summarizing all the knowledge of the subject.
    • Practicing high level exercises.
    • Working on past exam papers.

3.3. Students wishing to achieve the maximum score (4 or 5):

    • Walking through the advanced knowledge in the AP program.
    • Practicing on the logical and critical thinking exercises.
    • Working on past exam papers as regularly as possible.

4. Who are the teachers at Intertu?

    • Foreign teachers: Teachers whom come from Europe, US, UK and more, whom also have the degree in their teaching subjects.
    • Teachers whom had studied abroad: These are the students whom had studied in the UK, US, Australia, Singapore… with a bachelor or master in their teaching subjects.
    • Graduates from advanced or international program: Teachers whom achieved a master in the country with courses that are taught entirely in English.

All the teachers that work at Intertu Education receive proper trainings to better support the students and ensure to follow strictly the standard of AP program:

    • Learning materials designed to follow strictly the standard of AP exam papers.
    • Proper planning for the students’ learning progress.
    • Teaching method customized for each students, focusing on improving scores.
    • Have an in-depth knowledge about the subjects and content of learning.

5. What materials used to prepare for AP course at Intertu?

There is no fixed curriculum for AP courses, each teacher will use different resources as long as they meet the AP curriculum framework set forth by College Board.

    • Intertu uses a combination of AP exam preparation books written and published from famous educational institutions in the world: The Princeton Review, Barron’s, Peterson’s, McGraw Hill, Kaplan…
    • Question Bank: A question bank for all AP courses with archive of knowledge including chapter-by-chapter summaries, basic to advanced exercise types.
    • Past Exam Questions: Intertu synthesizes and compiles AP test sets from Past Exam Questions over the years into a mixed set of questions that can be taught for each student’s learning stage.

See also: Chemistry exercises in English

6. Form and type of studying AP exam preparation at Intertu

6.1. Form of studying

    • Offline AP exam preparation: Suitable for students learning AP in HCMC at international schools: International School of HCMC – American Academy (ISHCMC – AA), The American School (TAS), Saigon South International School (SSIS), APU International School (APU)… or students living in HCMC who want to be the AP freelance candidates.
    • Online AP exam preparation: Because AP can be registered by freelance candidates, Intertu has introduced a “virtual classroom” platform with specialized features for online teaching to support not only AP students in Vietnam but also international students studying AP abroad or students who want to be the AP freelance candidates living in Hanoi and other provinces.

6.2. Type of studying

    • 1 on 1 tutoring: Suitable for students with specific support needs such as international school students who attend AP classes but have not yet mastered the knowledge, good students who want to practice AP intensively to get the maximum score, freelance candidates wants to get support about AP exam.
    • Private tutoring (up to 4 students): Suitable for students to wish to study with other students for interaction, engagement and knowledge sharing with one another of AP subjects.
    • Small class (from 2 to 8 students): This class will walk through all knowledge of AP subjects with a fixed program that is designed by Intertu to meet the standard of AP program. Suitable for students who are not international school students, who will be the AP freelance candidates and want to learn all AP knowledge at a reasonable cost.

7. What is the difference of AP exam preparation at Intertu Education?

    • Guarantee on passing AP certificate: Intertu Education can guarantee a 100% passing on the AP course as long as the students follow through strictly the contents and methods at Intertu.
    • The only AP test prep center that teaching unpopular subjects: Art and Design Program, Environmental Science, Psychology, Computer Science A, Computer Science Principles, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, US Government and Politics, Comparative Government and Politics, US History, European History, World History, Human Geography…
    • Support for AP exam registration: For those who are not students of international schools but want to be the AP freelance candidates, Intertu’s academic team will support registration for all AP subjects held in Vietnam when you take any AP exam preparation course at Intertu.
    • 4 core values at Intertu:
      • Assurance: Support and assure the students in terms of psychological needs.
      • Honesty: The methods and process of learning will be laid out clearly.
      • Patience: Always listen to students and support the students patiently.
      • Knowledge: Teachers have a good understanding of the subjects along with in-depth knowledge of the learning topics.
      • For natural subjects: Support students with Multiple Choice and Free Response or Short Answer or some other question types.
      • For social subjects: Support students with Document Based Questions or Data Set Questions or some other types of questions with Essay.

Intertu Education is currently enrolling AP program courses (AP Calculus, AP Statistics, AP Physics, AP Chemistry, AP Biology, AP Microeconomics, AP Macroeconomics, AP English Language and Composition, AP English Literature and Composition, AP World History, AP Human Geography, AP Psychology…). If you have any questions about AP course, please contact us directly, via email or hotline for free advice.
