GMAT Certificate


1. What is GMAT? Why do universities require GMAT?

GMAT (or Graduate Management Admission Test), administered by Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC), is a standardized test that measures ability of applicants to more than 7,000 management training programs belonging to more than 2,300 global business graduate schools. GMAT certificate is the official admission requirement of graduate programs including Business, Accounting – Finance, Economics, Management worldwide.

The test helps candidates show their own ability, used as a measure to help compare their ability with other candidates when applying to graduate schools, valid for 5 years and used for report for 10 years. In addition, the test also helps graduate schools review academic achievement and consider whether candidates have the ability to successfully graduate or not from the graduate management training program.

See also: Should you take GMAT or GRE for a master’s degree?

2. Structure of the GMAT

GMAT exam consists of 4 individual sections that are timed separately for each section:

    • Analytical Writing Assessment: 0-6 points
    • Integrated Reasoning: 1-8 points
    • Verbal Reasoning: 6-51 points
    • Quantitative Reasoning: 6-51 points

Specifically, the test assesses academic skills for new managers with graduate degrees through content such as analytical writing, integrative reasoning, linguistic inference, and qualitative inference.

These skills are considered by many graduate management training institutions to be essential for candidates prior to entering the program, requiring candidates to be able to make complex judgments and solve them in a logical manner, analyze the problem at many levels and get the most appropriate solution within the specified time.

Candidates are allowed to choose the order of the test on the computer right before the start of the exam. You have 1 minute to make a selection from the 3 test order options as follows:

    • Analytical Writing Assessment, Integrated Reasoning, Quantitative Reasoning, Verbal Reasoning
    • Verbal Reasoning, Quantitative Reasoning, Integrated Reasoning, Analytical Writing Assessment
    • Quantitative Reasoning, Verbal Reasoning, Integrated Reasoning, Analytical Writing Assessment
Section Number of questions Types of questions Time
Analytical Writing Assessment 1 question Analysis of an Argument 30 minutes 
Integrated Reasoning 12 questions – Multi-source Reasoning
– Table Analysis
– Graphics Interpretation
– Two-part Analysis
30 minutes
Break 08 minutes
Quantitative Reasoning 31 questions – Problem Solving
– Data Sufficiency
62 minutes
Break 08 minutes
Verbal Reasoning 36 questions – Reading Comprehension
– Critical Reasoning
– Sentence Correction
65 minutes

In the Analytical Writing Assessment, candidates will be asked to write an essay stating their opinion on an argument in 30 minutes.

In the Integrated Reasoning, candidates will have to analyze data from tables and charts, and answer related thinking questions in different forms.

In the Quantitative Reasoning (GMAT Math section) and Verbal Reasoning (GMAT Language section), candidates will have to answer multiple-choice questions in an adaptive manner using computer, which means the computer will draw at random. Questions from the question bank and change to suit the candidate’s level best.

GMAT will give more difficult questions based on the number of correct answers of candidates, but if you feel that the next question is easier than the previous one, that does not mean that you have answered the question wrong. This means that no candidate will have to answer too many questions that are too difficult or too easy for them. However, you should note:

    • Only 1 question is displayed on the screen
    • Symbols for multiple choice questions will be replaced with circles instead of letter symbols (A, B, C, D, E)
    • Different question types will be displayed randomly
    • Candidates cannot return to the previous question to change the selected answer

See also: GMAT course

3. Is GMAT exam difficult?

The answer is “yes”, because GMAT test is designed to assess advanced analytical abilities that incorporate a variety of reasoning styles:

    • Analytical Writing Assessment requires candidates to demonstrate the ability to analyze problems and present their own arguments through writing.
    • Integrated Reasoning requires candidates to analyze and synthesize information from many sources in different formats in order to draw well-founded conclusions.
    • Quantitative Reasoning requires candidates to use arithmetic, algebra, and geometry knowledge to solve math questions.
    • Verbal Reasoning requires candidates to read and understand material, have a high level of vocabulary and grammar, make their own judgments and arguments, and be able to correct spelling and syntax errors.

In addition, the questions also cover many different topics, so candidates must make use of all information provided in the test to answer questions using analogy if they do not have enough social knowledge.

Furthermore, GMAT is not just a test of English proficiency or business knowledge. GMAT certificate also requires candidates to have reading comprehension skills in English along with basic math knowledge, especially to know how to calculate quickly because calculators are not allowed. Each question must be answered in an average time of 2 minutes and the answer cannot be changed, hence the higer time pressure.

4. Study materials for GMAT

There are many famous publishers in the world that are approved to publish GMAT books for learners to review such as The Princeton Review, Kaplan, Manhattan Prep… However, official exam preparation materials will be updated by GMAC every year, including sample tests along with question types that may appear on the test.

In addition, exam preparation materials such as sample GMAT tests or online GMAT mock test websites can be found on the internet, but you should be aware that the question structure and interpretation on the websites may vary compared to the real test on the computer.

See also: GMAT preparation materials for reference

5. Register for the GMAT certificate

GMAT test is administered on computers worldwide. In parts of the world where there are no test centers, candidates can take the test on a computer at home, with a live proctor.

GMAT exam schedule is held continuously throughout the year. If your score is not as expected, you can take the test again every 16 days, up to a maximum of 5 times in any period of 12 consecutive months, but not more than a total of 8 times.

5.1. How to register for the exam?

Candidates can register for the exam directly at the official website of the board that owns the exclusive rights to the exam at In addition to registering directly with the MBA, candidates can also contact the test centers authorized by the MBA in their country. Currently, in Vietnam, there are 2 testing centers located in Hanoi and HCMC.

5.2. GMAT exam fees

Currently, the registration fee for GMAT in Vietnam is 250 USD, excluding any fees for payment option fee and other related services.

5.3. Where can I take the GMAT exam?

    • VIET Professional – 276 Ung Van Khiem, Ward 25, Binh Thanh District, HCMC
    • IPMAC Information Technology – 6th Floor, Kim Anh Building, Alley 78 Duy Tan, Cau Giay District, Hanoi

Intertu Education is currently enrolling students for SSAT exam preparation, SAT exam preparation, ACT exam preparation, GMAT exam preparation, GRE exam preparation, GED exam preparation. If you have any questions about GMAT certificate, please contact us directly, via email or hotline for a free consultation.
